This stone is a promoter of love. Pink agate is the (tertiary blend) of red and white. 
The energetics of pink will depend on the amount of red that is added to white. Therefore, it is used as a great neutralizer. It soothes anger and negative energy. It provides an underlying tone of confidence and support and helps us to move from a defensive state of mind to a calming and positive one. It is a color that helps us to realize our misconceptions and beliefs, which no longer serve us.

Agate is a helpful stone during pregnancy because it can help new moms avoid having the baby blues right after giving birth. The energies of this stone can also increase lactation.

It can be beneficial to the intestines and the stomach.
It’s known to be good for the eyes and healing to the skin. It can help in the treatment of skin-related illnesses and irritations.
Wearing Agate close to your heart can improve the functions of the heart and the lungs. It’s helpful to the blood vessels, and it can strengthen your cardiac muscles as well.
Agate is a stone that can bring abundance and fullness in all aspects of your life, particularly your financial life. When you work with the energies of this stone, you will feel enriched and empowered to achieve all your financial goals.
This stone will strengthen your sense of reality and encourage pragmatic thinking. This will be very beneficial when it comes to decision making, especially if you’re working on a budget.
The energies of this stone will also prompt you to think on your feet and take the necessary action with wisdom and authority. It will guide you in making the best decisions without putting your finances in a precarious situation.
Agate will attract a lot of positive energies that will keep you excited and enthusiastic about your financial ventures!
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