
Showing posts from August, 2019


ONYX Onyx is strength-giving, It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Centring your energy and aligning it with a higher power, Accessing higher guidance, Is facilitated by Onyx as is connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and, with its capacity to impart personal  strength, Facilitates being master of one's destiny. This stone promotes vigour, steadfastness, and stamina. It aids learning lessons, imparting self-confidence and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Onyx is a secretive stone that assists in keeping your own counsel. However, Onyx is said to hold the memories of things that have happened to the wearer. It can be used for psychomentry, Telling the story to those who are sensitive to its vibrations. This property of holding physical memories makes Onyx useful in past-life work for healing old injuries and physical trauma that are affecti...

Apache Tear

Apache Tears are a type of Black Obsidian, but they have a more friendly vibration than some of the other types of Obsidian.  They are not altered but are natural crystals that heal grief. They have a strong action to aid emotional healing and bring you comfort when you are grieving. Maybe it is their strange out-of-shape appearance, that makes you feel comfortable with them.  They are strong stones for grounding and protection, and to aid you to clear negative emotions that may be holding you back. They are volcanic stones, that may be partly transparent. Their color is very dark brown to black in color.  These dark strange looking stones occur naturally in these odd shapes.  Why Would You Use Them? Apache Tears are powerful stones to use for psychic protection. They will raise your ability to recognize the approach of menacing situations, where you may be at risk. This is extremely useful if you are a healer, as they will aid your work by ensuri...